Tuesday 4 August 2015

Wisdom from Rumi

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there
- Rumi
One of the most beautiful teachings from the Sufi Master Rumi is contained within the quote above. When we look at the world around us with logic, we give rise to a duality of what is good to bad and right or wrong, we cling to a standard that measures our tangible and intangible experiences, the more we do it the more it becomes a habit. A habit of being judgemental. We begin forming opinions about anything and everything. Little do we realize that the more opinions we form the more rigid we become thereby limiting our ability to see the world as it is. We end up seeing it as we want. Gaining true knowledge and wisdom then becomes a distant possibility. We accept the reality around us only through our personal lens & so distortions become inevitable.